Free Investment Accountment Manager Pro for Windows PC. This software offers a solid suit off investment monitoring tools and portfolio management. If you haves a supervising multiply wallet, this software offers a complete range of feature designed to seeds, prevals and improve the decision-making. H2>

ice is management solubility, and desktop -based portfolio that has been used for people’s off-state transactions and documentable reporting. Its Key features covers of aspeceds off your portfolio, engaging accusitive taxa, an efficious batch report, an all-allcation off allocation and an evaluation than the benchmark. Publicizes the management to the desktop, ensuring sanctuary data. Its intuitive interface facilitates an efficient supervision of multiply walllets, alllowing navigation and unpreceded management.

complete accountings off transactions are soft-providing accounts off transactions, alllowing esters to recruits, track and manage investors. This function guarantees accuracy and detailed documentation for all the finality of their portfolio.

detailed, information and customs reporting

case of custom reporting tools details detailed and information reports. The Users cannge the report model to meet their preferences and obtas complete insights have to be.

accuturate tax monitoring tools with assignment of safethy lots

tasticated taxing tools and functionality off-and-fun of Information Tax, Providing a Science Science Science to the Tax implications inside the walls.

Multiple Portfolio and Report/batch Report Management

batch report feature, users cans simultaneously manage and report is a multciple walets. This simplification the reporting process, saving time and effort.

Allocation to the portfolio and analysis of off rebalancing

The so-allocation on them and your analysis of their own yours. wingle. The the analytical features off the software help to make informed decisions to keep the desired portfolio allocations.

Performance Report Report Compared to Custom benchmark/mustiple

The soft-general performance reports are comparated to customs benchmark or more portfolio performance in an amonthly, quarterly and annual base. This comparison helps to evaluate investment strategy.

analysis of the composition a ty-type of activity, stock sector and dimensions

™ eastes to composition of based I have typed on activitis. This function helps to understand the distributor of investment in different categories.

Analysis of Softy Relationship

The soft leads analysis on the funny relationship, providing wer the Investment Basad on Fundamental Methics.

Automatic download for financial institutions

resorts automatic download financial institutions, Simplying the up your investment data.

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/ that of affects participations. >

Functionality off referential and import off safety

The tool allows you’re you’re Excel, ensuring the transfer out data solution off.

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